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Welcome to Merit Academy's School of Grammar (grades PK-5th), home of this region's incredible staff, students, and families!
At Merit Academy, we believe in an intensive curriculum that stretches students to do their best and excel academically. This school has seen how well students do when they are shown, "you can". Attitude, mindset, and one's character contribute to a student's excellence in academics and conduct.
Today's society expects and teaches complaining, criticism, or condemnation. Today's society presses controversial social topics onto students at a young age.Today's society teaches children that deadlines don't matter or responsibilities can be passed to another person. Merit Academy knows that these habits destroy an individual's strides to excellence and minimize a student's achievements. We also stand firm in our teachings of classical curriculum without the controversial social ideologies often found in today's schools. Through our virtues, Merit Academy teaches habits needed to be responsible citizens in our flourishing republic: valor, perseverance, responsibility, friendship, and goodness.
Merit Academy's School of Grammar students study mathematics, history, reading, writing, composition, classical literature, science, Latin, art, music, and physical education. Not only do they read about these topics, they experience them through our socratic inquiry and applications. They learn they can.
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