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Merit Academy's classical curriculum is knowledge rich and intensive. We hold high expectations for excellence in academics and conduct, and this is something our families choice-in to. When you select Merit Academy for your students, you are choosing a curriculum that is not only challenging but also deep and focused. From Core Knowledge to college courses, Latin to history, we hold true to our foundation and the promise to our parents to provide the intensive curriculum with high expectations that they choiced into.



The Core Knowledge At A Glance provides  a sound overview of the general topics studied in the core classes throughout the year within each grade. The Core Knowledge workbooks and texts  that we use can also be found on the Core Knowledge site, follow along at home!




Singapore Math is the curriculum of choice with many classical schools. Singapore math is a rigorous program that provides learners with tremendous number sense, which seems to be a  lacking skillset in many of today's programs.

Keep in mind, the pacing of study will depend on how well students master the information.

Visit the School of Grammar page for more information on the K-5 curriculum.

Please visit the Upper School page for the School of Logic or School of Rhetoric course description guides and more information. The School of Grammar page includes more information for our K-5th grade families.

Merit Academy education focuses on learning, exploring, and expressing knowledge.
Through this, students acquire both wisdom and skills necessary for a responsible and flourishing life.

We believe in promoting self-discipline and accountability, along with nurturing the virtues of perseverance and responsibility, through academic expectations, deadlines, and effort. Homework, exams, projects, and discussion are some ways that students are assessed on their level of understanding. Valor is also exercised as students talk with teachers about their learning, understanding, and reflection in whole. Through daily academic choices (effort, due dates and schedule, and seeking deeper understanding), students and staff are reminded of the very motto that defines our culture: Hodie Determinat Cras; Today Determines Tomorrow.

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny; and it is believed that the most effectual means of preventing this would be, to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of the people at large, and more especially to give them knowledge of those facts, ... that they may be enabled to know ambition ... and exert their natural powers to defeat its purposes." 

~ Thomas Jefferson

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One of the definitive goals of Merit Academy is to grow students' intellect and character to prepare them to be well informed and productive citizens. This education begins with the Core Knowledge ® sequence, not to be confused with Common Core, in grades K-8. This is a cumulative learning process in which students build on prior years' knowledge and grow that depth and breadth of in the following year of education. It is founded on the principle that the more you know; the more you will be able to learn. This reflects the classical pedagogy regarding the "unity of subjects" within the study of the liberal arts and sciences. This insight is well established in psychology of learning and cognitive development, and has profound impacts on teaching and learning. It is also complimented by the developmental trivium model of classical education: Grammar (k-5), Logic (6-8), and Rhetoric (9-12).
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