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bell schedule

School of Grammar: 7:55-3:25.

Lunch, recess, and enhancement times vary upon grades.

   Monday-Thursday Schedule, Upper School:

Pledge/Announcements time is included in 1st period


1. 7:55-9:01

Passing period: 9:01-9:05


2. 9:05-10:03

Passing period: 10:03-10:07


3. 10:07-11:05

Passing period: 11:05-11:09


4. 11:09-12:07

Passing period: 12:07-12:11




5. 12:41-1:21: Post-Secondary Readiness (PSR)

Passing period: 1:21-1:25


6. 1:25-2:23

Passing period: 2:23-2:27


7. 2:27-3:25

Friday Bell Schedule Upper School

Pledge/Announcements are included in 1st period


1. 7:55-9:01 (Vita)

Passing period: 9:01-9:05


2. 9:05-10:03

Passing period: 10:03-10:07


3. 10:07-12:07

Passing period: 12:07-12:11


12:11-12:41 LUNCH


12:41-1:21: PSR (Post-Secondary Readiness)

Passing period: 1:21-1:25


4. 1:25-3:25

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